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Les consonnes

In this French video lesson, Anais teaches you how to pronounce the French consonants. Being able to pronounce the consonants correctly will help you to speak and sound French.

picture of the beginners book

Dans cette leçon de francais en video, Anais vous présente l'élément incontournable à la pratique du français: la prononciation des consonnes. Si vous souhaitez pouvoir vous exprimer correctement en français maîtriser la prononciation des consonnes constitue le premier pas.

What is formal?

Some nouns are only singular

Now, I want you to imagine a character, a dramatic character, like in a book or a play or a film.But not digital, not on a memory stick. Analog. Chemical process. "Keep the grain in the picture," I say. Old-school, 35 mill. Now, I'm seeing this through a lens, I am, and I'm not talking about the small screen. It's not TV, Raymond. As I said, old-school cinema format. It's what we in the business called anamorphic, or ratio 2.35 to 1.And I want you to join me on this cinematic journey, 'cause it is cinema, Ray. It's beautiful, beautiful cinema. Now, roll camera. Weblink

At work, being formal is not always an obligation, it depends on the relationship you have with the person. It is the same with someone older than you. But you should be formal at least at the beginning of these kind of relationship.

For example:
Des arbres verts → Green trees
Des pommes vertes → Green apples

At work, being formal is not always an obligation, it depends on the relationship you have with the person. It is the same with someone older than you. But you should be formal at least at the beginning of these kind of relationship.

For example:
Des arbres verts → Green trees
Des pommes vertes → Green apples


The diaeresis (¨) prevents us from combining letters to form new sounds. You can imagine that the word is cut in two just before the letter with the diaeresis.

For example:
Mais → But → “mey” → “ai” = “ey.”
Maïs → Corn → “ma-eess” → “aï” = “ah-ee.”

Soeur → sister → “sir” → “oe” = “uh.”
Noël → Christmas → “no-el” → “oë” = “oh-ey.”

At work, being formal is not always an obligation, it depends on the relationship you have with the person. It is the same with someone older than you. But you should be formal at least at the beginning of these kind of relationship.

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Des arbres verts Des arbres verts Des arbres verts
Des arbres verts Des arbres verts Des arbres verts
Des arbres verts Des arbres verts Des arbres verts


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