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Les verbes en -ir niveau 1

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French English
Accomplir To accomplish/to fulfill
Agir To act/to behave
Agrandir To extend/to enlarge/to widen
Applaudir To applaud/to clap
Approfondir To deal with something in depth
Assortir (à/ avec) To match (to/with)
Atterrir To land
Avertir To warn/to advise
Choisir To choose
Définir To define
Désobéir (à) To disobey (to)
Finir To finish
Fournir To supply/to provide/to give
Gémir To whine
Grandir To grow up/to get bigger
Grossir To gain weight
Maigrir To get slimmer/to lose weight
Moisir To rot/to go mouldy
Obéir (à) To obey (to)
Pourrir To rot/to decompose/to spoil
Punir To punish
Ralentir To slow down
Réagir To react
Réfléchir (à) To think about/to reflect
Refroidir To cool down
Remplir To fill
Réunir To gather
Réussir (à) To succeed (to)/to manage (to)
Rôtir To roast
Rougir To blush
Vieillir To grow old/to grow older/to age
Vomir To vomit


“Applaudir,” “atterrir,” “avertir,” “choisir,” “finir,” “grandir,” “grossir,” “maigrir,” “ralentir,” “réagir,” “réfléchir,” “remplir,” “réussir,” “vieillir,” and “vomir” are good ones to learn as they are used in a general context.

Some rules


“Refroidir” can’t be used for a person.



“Réagir” needs to be followed by “bien,” or “mal.”


Using them with prepositions

The verbs in this list can be followed by other prepositions than “à.” Verbs not followed by a preposition in this list can sometimes be followed by one. When a preposition is used, like “à”, remember to contract it with the definite articles “le, la, l’, les,” when needed.

For example:
Je réfléchis aux vacances → I am thinking about holiday.

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